Your MRCGP SCA Exam Revision Partner
260+ SCA Practice Cases
Created by Expert GP Trainers for trainees. Handwritten, using MRCGP Exam experience to help future candidates. Our SCA Case Banks have been used by 4500+ GPST’s to help them pass the MRCGP SCA Exam.
What's Included
Consulting Guide
Access to 12 detailed consultation guides for commonly tested, but challenging presentations .
SCA Exam Cases
260+ SCA Exam practice cases with detailed role-play scenarios, marking criteria and management guidelines. Try our free case here
Mock Exam
Our mock exam generator will pick 12 cases at random for you to work your way through, just like in the real exam.
£11.99 / Month
Everything you need to pass your SCA – for one affordable monthly fee. TPD / Trainer discount available. No minimum commitment.
Built in Stopwatch
Perfect your timing skills with our integrated stopwatch, available in all cases and highly valued by our members.
Master the SCA Exam
Recommended by Registrars:
Practising consultations with real people is the most effective strategy for acing the SCA exam, and our website is your ultimate resource to achieve that! Used by 4500+ ST3's to help them pass the exam, with outstanding feedback regarding the accuracy of our cases.
Extensive Collection of 260+ SCA Example Cases:
- Our meticulously designed cases cover all 12 curriculum headings in detail.
- Detailed SCA Case Components:
- Patient Role-Play Script: Engage in realistic practice scenarios.
- Pre-Case Summary: Get a quick overview before diving into the details.
- Comprehensive Marking Scheme: Understand the criteria for success.
- Key Issues Highlighted: Quickly reference the Key Issues for each case
- Patient Explanations: Example explanations to give patients
- Evidence-Based Management Summary: Enhance your learning with in-depth knowledge.
Versatile Usage:
- Small Revision Groups: Collaborate and learn together.
- Work with Your Trainer: Get professional guidance.
- At Home Practice: Study with your partner at your convenience.
Expertly Crafted Cases: No AI Shortcuts!
While some competitors boast about AI-generated cases, we've found that these often lack the nuance and subtlety essential for the actual exam. That's why all our cases are crafted by experienced trainers who have extensive firsthand exam experience. This ensures our cases accurately reflect what you will find in the SCA exam.
Remember, the SCA exam is with real patients - not AI bots!
To master this exam you need to practice with real people - not with a machine!
The Ultimate SCA Cases: User Approved
Packed with Features:
Our platform is packed with features designed to enhance your preparation for the SCA. From comprehensive cases to interactive tools, here's a quick look at what you can expect, click on a feature to learn more:
*These features are currently available on newer cases. We are in the process of updating older cases to include them.