New How To Guide
How To Explain…
Your explanation is one of the most key elements of your consultation. It forms the foundation of patient-centered care. It helps in building a trusting relationship between the patient and the healthcare provider. When a GP provides clear, comprehensive explanations, it empowers the patient with the knowledge needed to understand their health condition, the rationale behind the proposed treatment plans, and the expected outcomes. This understanding enables patients to make informed decisions regarding their health, adhere better to treatment regimens, and manage their conditions more effectively. Furthermore, effective communication from a GP can alleviate anxiety, improve patient satisfaction, and lead to better health outcomes.
Upate to our Explanation Tool
As some of you have noticed we have now updated and expanded our “Random Condition Generator” and renamed it the “Explanation Tool”. For those who are not members, the functionality remains the same. For those who are members we have added a feature for you to pick the condition from the drop-down menu, giving greater utility to the tool. We will also be adding additional explanations in time.