New Case Added
New Case Added: Menopause, and Starting HRT. This case will be the first in a series of cases focusing on the intricacies of managing menopause. This first case starts us off with a relatively gentle introduction to a patient experiencing menopausal symptoms and wanting your help.
New Case Added
New Case Added: Ongoing Covid symptoms, surely there must be an underlying cause? Can you help the patient feel better?
New Case Added
New Case Added: Managing Breast Cancer Risk in the family, do you know who to refer?
New Case Added
New Case Added: Managing Aggression in Dementia, how will you help Daphne and Dennis?
New Case Added - Celebrating our 95th Case!
New Case Added: Worsening Globus… what’s going to be your plan of action?
New Case Added
New Vaccine Consent in a Teenager added to our members only area. Are you confident in how to manage consent disputes between a child and their parents when it comes to vaccinations…?
New Case Added
New Diabetes Diagnosis Case added to our website. Do you know how to explain a new diagnosis of Diabetes, and the most up to date guidelines for managing new diagnosis of diabetes…
New Case Added
New Gender identity case added to our Website. This time from the perspective of a Teenager. Test your skills using our newest case!