New Case Added
Today we have a patient who is presenting with recurrent urinary tract infections. She also has a new diagnosis of IBS. Are you able to work out what might be going on?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who has some queries about her HRT, specifically about ongoing cancer risks. Are you able to advise her of the best option.
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who is experiencing recurrent urinary tract infections. It’s beginning to interfere with her life, so she is keen to seek a solution to her problem. Are you able to help her?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who is having issues with maintaining good diabetic control. Can you work out what is going on, and help our patient?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who is having issues with a dental abscess. Are you able to work out why he is coming to see you and why he isn’t seeing his dentist…
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who is returning with her 4th urinary tract infection. Naturally, this is getting her down. Are you able to work out what is going on and help her?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who has abnormal blood test results. Are you willing to dive into his social history to work out what’s going on?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who is presenting with low mood and anxiety. You notice some bruising on her arms. When you ask further, she divulges about her social situation. Are you able to help her?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who has worsening chest pains. He is seeking your input and advice. Are you able to help him?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who has ongoing vaginal irritation and burning. She has received some treatment off the back of a previous consultation, however her symptoms have not improved. Are you able to help her?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who has ongoing fatigue and breathing issues. She has had many investigations, but she is concerned that no cause has been found. Are you the Doctor to help her??
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who would like some morning after pills. She has found herself in a new relationship, and has an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss contraception. Are you able to help her?
New Case Added
Today we have John Doe. He is currently struggling financially and socially. He is down to see you today as he has walked in with a COPD exacerbation. However, you look through his recent medical records and notice a trend. Are you able to help John?
Case Updated
The following case has had a significant update to its management, based on the brand new BMS guidance on managing unscheduled bleeding on HRT released in April 2024.
New Case Added
Today we have a young gentleman who is having issues with his gambling. He has done some research online and came across a medication that he feels may help. He is wondering if you’re able to prescribe this for him..
New Case Added
Today we have Amelia’s Mum, who is concerned about how Amelia is going to cope with her upcoming school trip. Amelia suffers from nocturnal enuresis, and whilst she is improving, Mum feels we need a short-term fix to help in her upcoming trip. Are you able to help?
New Case Added
Today we have Jess, who is a teenager with worsening acne. This is having a big impact on Jess, and both she and Mum are desperate for some rapid solutions to the problem. They have tried over-the-counter treatments - but it “made things worse”. Are you able to help?
New Case Added
Today we have a patient who has had to cut their travel short due to some unusual symptoms. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any travel insurance so has flown back early to seek your medical opinion. Are you able to help him?
160th Case Added!
Today we have a worried mum whose child was admitted to A+E with Angio-oedema. Mum is naturally concerned and feels that further management is required immediately. Are you able to help her?
New Case Added
We have a young girl who has started with abdominal pain and vomiting. Mum is very anxious, as she missed the diagnosis of appendicitis in the past when her daughter presented with similar symptoms. She is therefore keen to seek your reassurance.